RBI Grade B Admit Card 2019 is out

RBI Grade B examination - admit card released

RBI Grade B Admit Card has been released by the Reserve Bank of India. The exam will be conducted on 9th November 2019. Candidates can download their admit cards from the RBI’s official site. How to Download RBI Grade B Admit Card 2019 Log on to the official site of Reserve Bank of India at rbi.org.in. Search for “Opportunities@RBI” in the footer section. Click on it. It will open in …

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Communication, Types, Process, Channels, Barriers, Role of Information Technology


Communication is the process to convey a message from one entity to another entity. It is a process with certain steps and each step is equally important to facilitate smooth communication. Communication plays a vital role in all walks of life and the work including management as well. Definitions Communication is transfer of information from one person to another,whether or not it elicits confidence. But the information transferred must be …

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Role of Incentives in Building up Morale


An incentive is a motivator that can be both extrinsic and intrinsic in nature. Some basic examples are grades in school and bonuses at the workplace. The incentive is an external element that is introduced to someone to induce the behavior towards a goal. According to study.com, incentives are what motivate you to behave in a certain way, while preferences are your needs, wants and desires. Economic incentives provide you the …

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Morale- Definition, Types, Importance, Factors determining Morale


Definition Morale (Manobal in Hindi) is a word for representing the feelings and attitude in a collective manner. When a team gets success after success at the given tasks, the morale is supposed to be high, and if the opposite happens, morale tends to become low. It represents zeal, enthusiasm, willingness, ownership, and energy at work. High morale often denotes higher satisfaction derived from the work. A mental condition or …

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How Managers Motivate

How Managers Motivate

Motivation is a key factor in the overall productivity of any team or organization. Thus, it becomes very crucial for a manager to keep the team motivated. We will learn here about how managers motivate their teams. Below are the points what managers do in order to motivate- Being open to the teammates and subordinates. Thanking personally for any accomplishment, if possible, thanking in written. Providing proper feedback about the …

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Theories of Motivation


Motivation is a driving force that pushes us to work more and work hard even if the situations are not favorable. This is a form of mental energy which makes us work in a certain way. There are different theories of motivation trying to define what causes motivation to exist and how it works. It is very important topic for management studies as it helps managers to motivate the workforce …

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Employee Welfare

Employee Welfare

Employee welfare is a Human Resource management practice that strives to ensure the overall wellbeing of the employees using various measures and practices. Definition of Employee Welfare The whole field of welfare is one in which much can be done to combat the sense of frustration of the industrial workers, to relieve them of the personal and family worries, to improve their health, to offer them some sphere in which …

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Reward Management

reward management

Definition of Reward Management Reward management is a Human Resource Development practice that rewards employees for their compliance with organizational norms, performance, consistency and various other metrics. Rewards can be given in different forms. Simple praise from the senior or the management helps to boost morale. It can be written or oral, or bot. A reward can be given in the form of a more challenging task to utilize your …

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Training and Development

training and development

Training and development is a function of the Human Resource Departments of organizations. It revolves around the learning of employees for the benefit of both, the organization and the employee. Definition It is a well defined structured program to train employees with present or new skills as per the market requirement. Changing business environment makes learning inevitable. Thus, training and development programs are a solution to the skill gaps within …

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Career Planning

Career Planning

Definitions of Career Planning Career planning is a process of accessing one’s skills, evaluating key parameters and planning for long term prospects of job and career. It is a continuous process where one sets goals, reaccesses skillset, adds new skills, sets milestones and makes and reaches new career goals. It is a practice performed by Human Resource departments as well as working individuals. “Career planning is a process of systematically …

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